Pricing your rental, an owners guide.

How to secure a quality applicant for your rental property quickly

The regions we look after have low-vacancy rates so if your rental is sitting on the market  it’s time to look at the reasons why…

If your property has been on the market for over 5 days we recommend reducing the asking price to 95%

Let’s unpack this so you can understand why we recommend this…

Rental price comparisons

Price PW 52 Weeks 51 Weeks 50 Weeks 49 Weeks
 $  620  $  32,240  $  31,620  $  31,000  $  30,380
 $  610  $  31,720  $  31,110  $  30,500  $  29,890
 $  600  $  31,200  $  30,600  $  30,000 $  29,400

We want to find you the best quality tenant with the highest return available!

To have a property sitting vacant is not the ideal scenario, it is money that is out of your potential earnings.

We can do a rent review after 6 months.

As per the legislation, we can arrange a rental increase once per 12 months, we diarise to do a current rental market analysis on our landlords properties every 6 months.

In our experience, properties with current market asking price have a better pool of quality applications to choose from.

Before reviewing the rent return, we recommend that you ask yourself these questions:

  • Is the age and condition of your property comparable to those on the market?
  • How many properties are on the market in that area? Rental demand can fluctuate causing price variations in the market
  • What additional perks does your property have that a property of less asking price per week has – eg is Lawn Maintenance included?

Remember the longer your property sits on the market, the applications slow down and quality applicants start to question why the property hasn’t been leased.

We are here to guide you on how to secure a quality applicant in the fastest amount of time whilst earning you the most money.

Give us a call if you would like to talk further about this.

From your Property Managers that care

Team SPG